Mr. Mustafa Al-Issa Termanini Dr. Mohamed Ramiz Korj

This research deals with the study of the cultural patterns implicit in the collection of short stories entitled “Do Not Be Disturbed” by Aziz Nesin, the well-known Turkish writer. The research attempts to reveal the structure of authority hidden within the stories of this group, whether this authority is represented by its ideological apparatuses or its repressive apparatuses. The study examines the system of authority in terms of its corruption, repression, and the limits of freedom.
Keywords: Aziz Nesin, cultural pattern, authority, ideology, the story.

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A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued in Arabic by a university in the liberated areas, the subject of scientific research and academic studies in various disciplines, in which the conditions of scientific research are applied in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

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