
The Arabian Gulf is a region almost closed freely and widely as an extension of its dimension’s hundreds of kilometers in length and width, between latitudes 24-30 degrees north and between longitudes 48-56 degrees east, and it is surrounded on most sides by desert land. To study the morphology of the bottom of the Arabian Gulf and bathymetric, it was to take advantage of digital data available to the depths of the Centenary Edition of the GEBCO Digital Atlas also (Smith & Sandwell, 1997) and Google Earth to identify some points on the Gulf. It was the use of many
scientific programs to accomplish the mapping of bathymetric and morphological as a platform for Global Mapper and Surfer. The study results showed that the Arabian Gulf is a few depths with an average depth which is about 30 meters, and the depth gradually increases from north to south and from west to east, starting from the shore line toward the center of the Gulf to a depth of 60-80 meters, which is the deepest area in the center and south of the Arabian Gulf. We distinguish two plates represent the bottom of the Gulf, the first plate is shallow and more an extension, widening and constitute more than twothirds of the Gulf area, line of depths 40 m below sea level represent the boundary between the two plates, the second plate is more deeper and less extensive, where abundant hills and upland areas, which brings parts of it above sea level, forming many islands, especially in the southern part of the Gulf. The bathymetric distribution showed inclination degrees on the east side of the Gulf is higher than the western side of him. The change bathymetric distribution due to high deposition Shatt al-Arab in the north of the Gulf and the activity of tectonic movements in the south.

Keywords: surface appearance, Bathymetric, marine depths, The Arabian Gulf

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A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued in Arabic by a university in the liberated areas, the subject of scientific research and academic studies in various disciplines, in which the conditions of scientific research are applied in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

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