Prepared by: Mr. Sakhr Muhammad Ali Getty, Dr. Anas Al-Shabib


The area of ​​the Islamic state expanded after the Islamic conquest, and the various jurisprudential issues abounded, so the jurists were up to the responsibility in clarifying and transmitting the religion to this nation. It is wrong and abnormal in the doctrine that it is an obligation of sufficiency, or a Sunnah, and it has clear conditions, and is backward in it among the jurists. According to the majority of jurists, it is an independent obligation, and it is not a limited noon, and according to the Hanafis, except for zafar, and some sayings and faces, according to some, the imposition of the time is the noon. They also explained the opinions of the jurists regarding the Friday sermon and its conditions, pillars and Sunnahs, and they mentioned to us the abominations of Friday from travel, and they said that travel after the zenith before its performance, and travel is permitted before it is performed. demise. And a promotion and a noon prayer after Friday, so they said that it is not permissible to repeat the noon after Friday unless there is a need for that

Keywords: prayer, Friday prayer, noon, sermon, dislikes

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A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued in Arabic by a university in the liberated areas, the subject of scientific research and academic studies in various disciplines, in which the conditions of scientific research are applied in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

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