Prepared by: Mr. Akram haj mousa Dr: ahmad Mohamed Alomar


 This research deals with the deletion of the subject from two sides A heoretical aspect that the researcher made as a prelude to his research to settle the most important of what the Arabic people mentioned in deleting the subject as permissible and obligatory and its connotations, and collects its fragments and divides it to make it easier for the reader to take note of it And an applied aspect that gathers the evidence for deleting the subject in the book (The Expression of the Prophet’s Hadith)[1] by Al-okbri (d. 616 AH)[2], and analyzes It and gives the most correct view of it, and it has two parts:

  1. Deleting the subject alone: ​​It deals with the evidence that Al-okbari began by deleting the subject without another aspect of the witness, so he analyzes it grammatically and elicits the implications of deleting the subject.  What is meant by semantics in this research is to show how deletion affects speech, and to clarify the meaning that it conveys
  2. Between the deletion of the mobtada and others: and it includes the evidence that Al-okbari added by deleting the mobtada with the possibility of another aspect of the witness.  The intent behind that is not to eliminate one of the possibilities or to miss any of the aspects. Rather, it is the weighting and the statement of the strongest only.  It is well known that the multiplicity of facets is one of the characteristics of Arabic, and the preference does not seek to erase that feature

 The research adopted the descriptive analytical method in explaining, commenting and analyzing the evidence.  At the end of the research a conclusion that included its results, followed by a list of sources and references that were adopted.

[1] Some is one of the most important books that we have received in the parsing of the noble hadith, in which its author relied on Ibn al-Jawzi’s book (Jami’ al-Masanid) as a primary source, after some of his students asked him for a brief dictation in the syntax of what constitutes, the words of hadith.  He arranged it alphabetically on the names of the narrators, and the fact that the book deals with parsing did not negate the price of some morphological and linguistic issues.  The book is popular with the people of Arabic, especially the ancient and modern grammarians.

[2] He is: Abdullah bin Al-Hussein bin Abdullah Abu Al-Baqa Al-Nahawi, the blind, Al-Akbari of origin, Al-Baghdadi, by birth and home.  He was a satisfactory grammarian, jurist, and a group of arts and sciences.  He was born in the year fifty-eight and he died on the night of Sunday the eighth of Rabi` Al-Akhir in the year sixteen sixteen.  Among his books: the book (The Parsing of the Qur’an and the Readings), the book (Al-Labbab) and the book (The Parsing of the Hadiths).  See: The narrators were informed by the grammarians, Jamal A—Din Ali bin Yusuf Al-Qafti.  Edited by: Muhammad Abu Al-Fadl Ibrahim.  Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, Cairo 1406 AH 1986 AD, 1st edition.  2/116_117

Keywords: deleting the subject, the parsing of Alhadith, Alokbari,  semantic Grammar

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A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued in Arabic by a university in the liberated areas, the subject of scientific research and academic studies in various disciplines, in which the conditions of scientific research are applied in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

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