Prepared by: Dr.Ahmed Alomer


The research based on Damir Alsha’an from two aspects.

Theoretical aspect that collects what the grammarians mention about the pronoun, collecting what contrast between their views in more than one aspect of grammar, dividing the collective subject in detailed ways to facilitate the briefing for the reader about it and explaining their cause to guess this pronoun.

This research doesn’t end at Damir Alshaan in weakened form of ( Ann, Ka’an) Because if they were weakened, its noun would be omitted, either for Alsha’n or otherwise, but rather they passed them to the stressed letters, because the basic form should be followed by auxiliary verbs.An applied aspect based on understanding the positions in which this deleted pronoun occurred in the Noble hadith, making Sahih Al-Bukhari its source in this depending on the explanations of a group of scholars, and their extracting the hadiths formed in this way, namely: Al-Karmani (786 AH) and Al-Damamini (827 AH). Al-Asqalani (852 AH), and Al-Aini (855 AH). The research was content  with the explanations of the previous ones, because what comes after them is often enough with quoting from them.

This research was preceded by a research entitled (Damir Alsha’an and its connection with its explanation in the noble hadith, Sahih Al-Bukhari as a model), but it is far from this research, as it stopped at only six hadiths, and in positions (Almubtada’a , En’n and La’al) While this research explained all the sentences where the deleted Damir Alshaan falls.

Key words: Damir Alsha’an, Arabic grammar,Delete, Sahih Albukhari

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A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued in Arabic by a university in the liberated areas, the subject of scientific research and academic studies in various disciplines, in which the conditions of scientific research are applied in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

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