Prepared by: Mr. Muhammad Adnan Al-Mustafa, Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Al-Omar


This research aims to study the precedence (Taqdeem) of the object in Arabic grammar in two cases, when the object precedes only its subject and when it precedes both its verb and subject together.

The precedence in each case was divided into a duty and a permissible one. Both of these two cases, duty and a permissible, were divided in terms of their necessity and possibility into detailed parts, so that it was easy for the reader to take note of each one. This research includes an applied aspect, and I have given examples for each case of objects precedence in (Alshowgiat) collection by the great poet Ahmed Showgi. These examples were given through applications of Arabic poetry.

The importance of this research is not in terms of its idea; because the researchers have written on this topic in the past and in present. This research is important and new through its applied aspect and its examples on (Alshowgiat) collection. This research consists of the theoretical part and the practical one, the practical part includes study for each case of the objects permissible precedence with related examples of (Alshowgiat) collection. The practical part analyzes these examples  on the basis of semantic grammatical viewpoint to identify the rhetorical purpose of the permissible precedence. On the other hand the cases of duty precedence were not analyzed because the precedence was obligatory.

The research is based on examples of the objects precedence, divided into duty and permissible cases, and based on the descriptive approach. The conclusion lights the results of this research, and an index of search sources and references was written at the end of the research.

Keywords: Precedence of the object, Alshowgiat collection, semantic Grammar.

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A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued in Arabic by a university in the liberated areas, the subject of scientific research and academic studies in various disciplines, in which the conditions of scientific research are applied in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

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