Prepared by: T. Ammar Hassn Aldaba”an, Dr.Abdulrahman Azizi


In Times of armd conflicts, chaos reigns and usurpation abounds, and the usurper may use the Water in The Well That he usurped for ablution and washing, and he may buy Clothes by The money he seized, and he may pray in Them or pray in The house that he usurped, or he May perform Hajj With the money that he seized unlawfully, the stolen money may be returned to its Owners, so, what is the rule of Zakah on it? And Does usurpation affect the validitg of purity or of worship?

After Studying These issues, I concluded the following:

First: There is a difference between usurpation and seizure, for usurpation is more specific Than seizure, because usurpation is always taking money unlawfully, but seizure it may be right and it may Be unlawful.

Secand: Ablution and washing With stolen water is valid and it is sufficient far those who perform ablution and washing, and they are sinful for usurping water.

Third: prayers are valid in the stolen garment or in the stolen place, and the obligatory prayer is waived for the worshiper and he is sinning for his usurping the garment or the house in which he prays.

Fourth: The Hajj is valid With forbidden money or stolen money, and the obligation is waived for the pilgrim, but he doesn,t have the reward of hajj and his Hajj his Considered unjustified.

Fifth: Zakah is not due on stolen money after it has been returned back by its owner, and if it reaches the nissab, then he receives a new year with it-Allah only knows-.

Key words: Effect of usurpation, purity , worship, usurped money

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A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued in Arabic by a university in the liberated areas, the subject of scientific research and academic studies in various disciplines, in which the conditions of scientific research are applied in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

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