Prepared by:

Mr. Ghassan Karim        Prof. Dr. Khaled Jammo


The green alga Euglena  viridis was isolated from the waters of Midanki Lake, and cultured pure on the AF6 qualitative medium, then cultured on the modified AF6 medium, by modifying the proportions of electrolytes included in the composition of the medium in order to expose the alga to stress, as its growth was monitored in the modified media and an increase in Growth and biomass of algae when doubling the concentration of phosphate and magnesium ten times Where the number of cells reached In ml 5.386 × 106, and the resulting dry mass was 358.27 mg.L-1, while the Doubling the concentration of calcium and iron ions tenfold and reducing the concentration of phosphate and magnesium by half a lack of growth and a decrease in the biomass of algae, as the number of cells reached in ml 3.232 × 106, and the resulting dry mass was 226.06 mg.L-1.

The change in the antibacterial activity of ethanolic extracts of Euglena moss under different formulations of the used culture medium was also tested by studying the sensitivity of Escherichia coli by using the method of tablets impregnated with the algae extract. A change in the biological activity against coliform bacteria was observed by changing the composition of the medium on which Euglena green grows on it is 18.1±0.41mm.

Key words: Euglena viridis – Maidanki Lake – Environmental stress – Biological activity – Escherichia coli.

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A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued in Arabic by a university in the liberated areas, the subject of scientific research and academic studies in various disciplines, in which the conditions of scientific research are applied in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

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