Publication year: 2023

Author: Ammar Hamsho

Issue: 2


The rule of “means has the rulings of objectives; It is one of the greatest elementary rules and the broadest rules in Sharia, and is am evidence of the vitality of Islamic jurisprudence, its principles and flexibility, and its ability to keep pace with developments and developments related to people’s lives and their dealings, and is one of the most important rules that hard-working scholars refer to in knowing the legal rulings of various issues, especially contemporary ones. The means are many and variable. The researcher is rooting for some of the means through this rule, and shows their permissibility and non-permissibility, and there is a call for researchers to follow this methodology in dealing with facts and issues, and to demonstrate the ability of fundamentalist rules to deal with developments and its contemporary applications                                        .

key words: Means – purposes – applications – judgment

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