Prepared by: T. Fadi Shoaib, Prof.Dr. Abdulkader Alsheikh


The international peace is threatened not only by the weapons of mass destruction but also by the conventional one that led to countless violations to human rights and further dead.

For examples, two thousand persons are killed every day due to the armed violence . However, most governments allow to irresponsibility trade with weapons and munition

And other military equipment. All countries realized that trade with convenient weapons,

The danger of this condition and importance of taking responsibility about damage caused by bargain. The United Nations org worked to organize trade these weapons and legalization of weapons in international agreement. They made great efforts and received many international conferences during seven years of negotiations despite of the difficult obstacles that face especially in the time of opposition of number major powers.

It succeeded at last to put an international committee in order to organize the convenential

Weapons trade in the second of April 2013. This committee is considered as a first step to organize the weapon trade all over the world to reach to complete disarmament.

Key words: international system, trade of weapons, convenential weapons

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