Publication year: 2023

Author: Mr. Muhammad Khaled Al-Shuwaiti

Issue: 3


The crime of recruiting children during armed conflicts has a specificity
Making it different from other crimes due to its direct association with a vulnerable and significant category of people in society – children. Children are among the most vulnerable populations during armed conflicts and suffer greatly from the consequences of war. Their young age, limited understanding, susceptibility to manipulation, and vulnerability make them unable to protect themselves adequately.
This study was conducted in the context of the Arab Spring uprisings, particularly in Syria, where there has been a concerning increase in violations of children’s rights. It has been established that children have been actively involved and recruited by various parties throughout different stages of the conflict, resulting in significant human losses.

This study searches into the concept of the crime of recruiting children during armed conflicts, examining the reasons and factors that have contributed to its emergence and exacerbation. It also explain the severe and catastrophic impacts of this crime on both the recruited child and society as a whole, considering it as a war crime with all its elements. We conclude our study by presenting the most important findings and recommendations, emphasizing that combating the recruitment of children in armed conflicts can only be effective by addressing the root causes that facilitate their recruitment. These causes often include poverty, unemployment, and easy access to weapons. Any legislation aimed at ending child recruitment must also include provisions for the rehabilitation and reintegration of these children. They should undergo suitable measures based on their age to aid in their physical, psychological, and social recovery
Keywords: Child recruitment – armed conflicts – elements of crime – violations of children’s rights.

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